
Quizzes I've taken and my results!

I'm a Madagascan Burrowing Frog!

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The Large Blue butterfly is a species of carnivorous butterfly, and went extinct in Britain in 1979. It has since been reintroduced with new conservation methods.

Get a webpage guardian here!

I am Cyndaquil!

Take the Bear Quiz by Krysten

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The zebra's stripes are known to protect it from blood-sucking insects

Want your own? Visit hekate.neocities.org!

Your Lip Gloss Flavor Is: Cotton Candy

You're a total girly girl who's every guy is sweet on.

You take pleasure in the simple things in life, from cute t-shirts to stuffed animals.

Any guy needs to match your romantic idealism to win your heart, which is why few have.

No wonder Cotton Candy is your signature flavor. It's delicious, sugary, and fun - like you!

What Flavor Lip Gloss Are You? Take This Quiz :-)


I am cheddar cheese!
Cheese Test: What type of cheese are you?

What Sailor Scout Are You?
What Sailor Scout Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime
my weapon is...

a ribbon !

this is probably this BEST weapon because you can manipulate the ribbon into any shape ! you probably like fashion and decorating things with bows

want to know what your magical girl weapon is ? click here !

i am...

lalaloopsy !

i can see you as someone who is into decora, lolita, or jfashion as a whole ! your style is unique and your personality is sweet :3

want to know what doll franchise you are ? click here !

my weapon is...

a bow and arrow !

you're SUPER kind and sweet and probably smell like valentines day cake !! you fight for your loved ones and do it with your heart first

want to know what your magical girl weapon is ? click here !


You are Windows XP. You are the newest Windows girl, and fairly popular. You’re pretty stable, and easily the prettiest of the bunch, but you can also be a bit shallow and you’re always hungry. Also, why does your name look like the irritated emoticon?

Take the quiz: "Which Weapon Are You?"

Your Prefered Weapon is the Hatchet! Light Weight. Close Range! You Like to get splattered by the blood! You Are The Hatchet!
What's your mental age? Find out @ star-girl.org!
What city are you? Find out @ star-girl.org!
