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Here are a few link back banners made for me by the owner of Whimsical! Are they not the cutest??

Links out

These are some sites I love. Please give them a visit and check out what they have to offer!

Friends & Neocities Neighbors

Cool Sites I Love

Resources & Random Sites I Love

Femicom A hybrid website/museum that catalogs and preserves games created before the year 2000 targeted at girls. This site is a truly underappreciated resource and I hope to contribute to it one day. A site that answers all of your questions about fujoshi/BL/yaoi. If you think they have a bad reputation, maybe check it out. Highly academic but easy to understand.
Windows 93 A site I could spend HOURS exploring, made to look like a Windows 93 desktop. Lots of games, clickables, and fun. Keep your volume low though, because sometimes it's LOUD.
Zimmerit A site full of articles about 80s and 90s otaku culture, focused mostly on things the English side of otaku fandom doesn't know. I've learned so much from this site.
Computer Cuter A small but useful guide on getting extremely cute computer accessories.
My 90s TV Feeling like a blast from the TV past? This site shows clips, commercials, openings, bumpers, and more from every year of the 1990s. The creator also has sites for the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 2000s!
Winamp Skins Museum What it says on the tin: an endless scroll museum of Winamp skins you can peruse and download.
Marginalia Search A small-time search engine that looks only for independent sites and ignores social media and commercial content. A great way to find new (and old) things!
