Up late again without much to do and I wanted to test out my Bluetooth keyboard and iPad connection. Seems to be working alright.
We have moved! We officially left last Saturday and made it our new place on Sunday, so we've been here a little over a week. It's been a rough week, especially without internet and furniture. Internet came on Friday, but due to the fact that modern modums suck for desktops, we're still waiting to get connected on actual comptures. (As I mentioned, I'm typing this on my iPad with a Bluetooth keyboard.)
Our furniture came today and I'm SO happy lmao. Sleeping on an air mattress and having no supportive chairs has been a nightmare. And then of course I'm having nighttime pregnancy leg cramps, so I can't sleep anyway. D: Tonight,I took a bath, did yoga, drank plenty of water, took magnesium, etc. I do literally everything and it happens anyway. Being pregnant is hard andlet no one tell you different. I think it's a little ridiculous you don't get short term disability for this, but I digress.
Well, I have until mid-May before the grub arrives, so until then I'll be probably hanging out online a lot. (I sadly could not get parttime work through my last job, and looking for something new just to leave to have a baby for 2-3 months seems like a bad idea.) Being in a new place means I'd like to go make new friends, but I don't have the energy for it now and I probably won't until like, 6 months or more after the baby's born. I'll make friends when I have the time and strength lmao.
In the meantime, I'll be updating this site, trying to wittle down my TBR pile, catching up on TV/anime/movies, and hopefully relaxing. Love to have sleeping somewhere in there too. I will not miss these leg cramps once the baby is born, that's for sure.
Current Mood: Exhausted
Current Music: N/A
Okay, this is definitely an occasional blog.
A lot has happened since last May, and as always, I've been updating things on this site here and there when I can. But 2023 was a crazy year for me. I ended a job, started another, lost some things, gained some things, and now I'll be moving 12 hours away from my current home in a week short weeks. More on that later.
One of the hardest parts of coming back to update this blog and keep working on the site was that right after I left my job at the end of April, I had a miscarriage. I was leaving my the job because my contract was up and my boss made it clear she was no longer happy with my work. It was unfortunately really stressful, but in the last couple months there, I also got pregnant. I was bleeding a little bit from early on, and no one could really tell me why. It ended up stressing me out so badly that I ended my contract two weeks early and tried to take some time to relax before having to go full speed ahead into baby stuff. And then at my first ultrasound they told me the embryo wasn't the right size for it's "age" and that it had probably died, but my body hadn't noticed yet. It's called a "missed miscarriage."
I had to wait another agonizing week while blood tests were done to determine if they were right, and I spent most of it in bed, passively staring at TikTok and Youtube videos. And of course, they were. A couple weeks later, over Memorial Day week, my husband and I sat on the couch and watched TV while I took the meds to flush the dead embryo from my system.
I am ETERNALLY grateful I live in a place where getting these drugs happened quickly and easily, and that I didn't have to go through the pain of a "natural" miscarriage. You learn a lot when you lose a pregnancy you wanted, and one of those things is how common miscarriage really is. Everyone told me their stories when I told them what happened. Even my boss, who I'm pretty sure hated my guts, told me she had "been there." Being able to miscarry before it happened naturally really went a long way to making it through to the other side.
It took a lot of laying around and friends dragging me out of the house, but I did eventually started to feel better by July.
After that kind of terrible summer, I got a new job at the beginning of August and... immediately got pregnant again lmao. I'm now at 22 weeks and getting the shit kicked out of me from the inside. So things worked out (and hopefully will continue to).
Around the same time I got a new job, my husband was furloughed at his job. We were able to keep our insurance, thankfully, but he then spent much the rest of the year looking for work. And thank fuckin' God, he finally found it. He was offered a job at a company near Portland, so suddenly, within the next few weeks, we have to pack up our life and move there. It will suck in that we have to leave our friends and family behind, but I already have people asking when they can visit, so I'm not too worried about being lonely. My dad also plans to come stay with us in early May when the baby is due and help take care of it. He retired last year, so having him around won't mean we'll be either completely alone, or that people I know will try to create a revolving door of visitors and substitute caretakers. Which would be great, but babies aren't supposed to see many people in the early months so they don't catch any diseases and can develop in a safe place. So sorry, you can't come over after May and until like, September.
And since we're moving, I'll probably have to stop working at my current job, though I already have a replacement in mind. I hope to maybe do some parttime online work for the after the move, but who knows? Being a contractor is not an easy thing to be.
Obviously, I have a million more thoughts and things I'm preoccupied with right now, but I'm hoping to do a site redesign and large update between our move and before the baby is born. And then probably another two years where I don't do much else to it lmao. But I don't say I didn't warn you!
Current Mood: Sleepy
Current Music: n/a
Oh man, maybe I should call this more of an "occasional blog"...
Life has been quite a blur until recently. I just finished a job contract that I've been in since December 21, and it feels like I haven't looked up in months. Last summer remainded uneventful, and my husband and I finally made our trip to Japan in late October/early November. We had an amazing time and I took so many pictures, but here are a couple for you to enjoy. (Right click + open in new tab to see them in full size.)
After we returned, it was Thanksgiving, my niece being born, Christmas, New Year's, the horror that is January and February, my birthday, helping a friend with a Kickstarter, and then finally leaving my job. There is another big thing going on right now, but I'll talk more about it later. It'll probably deserve it's own entry. :)
I'm up late due to the fact that I saw two silver fish in my apartment today, but I'm trying to tire myself out so I can sleep and tackle a bunch of cleaning tomorrow. I really hate bugs and would rather not leave anything to chance when it comes to them. So when I wake up, it's scrubbing time!
I'll try to do short entries going forward to so I don't forget to update for nearly a year again. ^^;
Current Mood: Anxious
Current Music: n/a
Man, who starts a blog when nothing goes on in their life? Me. I do.
Not much has happened since I last updated. My husband and I had our passport appointments and we're now working on what we'd like to do while in Japan. Unfortunately, we haven't decided on much, but we did get a great book about walking tours of Tokyo, and I think that will help us a lot.
I had a long weekend for the July 4th holiday, which included yesterday, Tuesday. I spent a lot of it relaxing, exercising, and reading. There were a few terribly loud fireworks, but not as many in previous years. I'm guessing people aren't so bored this year and aren't out setting off fireworks as much as they were in the last couple years. There was a point on July 4th where my dogs and I were huddled up in bed, shaking like the chihuahuas we are, trying to ward off the PTSD freak outs. Clearly, this is my least favorite holiday...
Otherwise, my husband and I have been playing the new AI: The Somnium Files game. We played through all the Zero Escape games over the last year and then played the Somnium Files in May. When we saw the second one was coming out, we immediately preordered the special edition with the Aiba figure. She is best girl. We just finsihed Ryuki's route and we're SUPER excited to move on to Mizuki's. So far, I love Ryuki and I'm super excited to read all the fics that involve him, Date, and that Finnish sauna they keep joking about. :3c
That's all for now! I'm working on more site stuff, but I haven't finished enough of it to actually put on display yet. But hopefully I'll get there soon lmao.
Current Mood: Alright
Current Music: YouTube videos about Animal Crossing
Hello, world! Welcome to my blog. I haven't had one of these in a good, long time, but I'll do my best to keep it up!
In the US, it's a holiday weekend, and I've spent it relaxing and getting things done. On Saturday, I vacuumed and cleaned the office and the bedroom as best I could. I pulled out the air purifier to use because my allergies this year have been dreadful. They only started to give me trouble about a month ago when I was in LA for the weekend, but since then it's been a nightmare. So I tied a scarf around my head, put on a mask, and went to work. I've never been amazing at cleaning up tbh. I'll usually only do one thing at a time and then take a while to do the next thing, and by the time one room is clean, another is dirty again. But maybe that's just normal? After cleaning, I got some ice cream with my husband and lazed around with the dogs. Aside from when I was vacuuming, I think my eyes were glued to my phone all day. I just wanted to scroll and decompress.
Yesterday I surprised even myself by getting my first tattoo! Here it is!
It's the signature of my favorite artist, Junko Mizuno. I've wanted to get this tattoo forever, and yesterday I walked to a nearby tattoo shop and they took me immediately! My original plan for the day was to walk a few miles to downtown and poke around at shops. I planned to stop in to the tattoo place, but I figured I'd only get to talk to someone for a few minutes and make an appointment. But when I spoke to one of the staff, it turned out he had a cancelation for an all day appointment, so he was totally free! He offered to do it then and there, and though I was a little nervous, I was also really excited! We talked the whole hour that he worked on it, and I learned a lot about him and his tattooing career. He's been doing to for 30 years! So I knew I was in good hands. I was also surprised I didn't bleed at all! I'm usually quite a bleeder when it comes to get poked with needles.
Today I've mostly done chores. I still have laundry to put away, but I usually save that for the end of the night, before I settle in to read or look at my phone more. It depends! But I'm also working on updating my website, which is why this blog is happening! Do you like the lazy way I customized the layout? By which I mean I did nothing but borrow EGGRAMEN's template (link in header) and then add a new background? I'm truly a genius when it comes to CSS lmao.
What else can I talk about? Well, my husband and I are planning to finally go to Japan this fall for our honeymoon. We got married in October 2020 in a courthouse. We were supposed to have our wedding them, but obviously that didn't work out. We had it in October 2021 as a wedding/anniversary party. So for our second anniversary, if we're lucky and COVID looks like it won't murder us the second we get on a plane, we're finally taking our honeymoon! With several COVID precautions, of course. And fall has been recommended as the best time to visit Japan since the weather is mild and there aren't usually too many tourists. Though I don't know how accurate that will be considering they're just opening back up and might be flooded with people who want to vacation there. Cross your fingers for me that it goes well and we come back uninfected!
To round off this first entry, here are some of my plans for my site in the coming months:
Current Mood: Fine
Current Music: My husband watching 'Northman' in the background